Thursday 9 February 2012

Homework !!!!!!!!!!!

Hello there .. Long time I didn't update my blog . Boring ? >True .< 
As you can see the picture . I HATE HOMEWORK ! .argg. yea, being a science stream student is not easy .HAHAXD Lots of homework but never mind . Homework make me great and of course TIRED ! Aha! .(Practice make perfect.)

How many teachers set homework for me ? 
All the teachers that entering my class will set more homework for me . Argggggghh , doing homework is not fun as going to the mall or spending time with my friends or sleeping . Homework part of a student's academic life so I'm a student then homework is part of my life too . I want to cry ..
How I feel when I hear the word ''homework'' ? Yet again and again? Day after day , week after week ?
I'll say AGAIN ??? then I'll smile even i'm a lazy girl but of course I'll do my homework ... I cried .. T.T

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